Sullivan Farm offers high quality, hand-raised plants to beautifully decorate your lawn and garden! Sullivan Farm Nashua NH, apples Nashua NH, farms Nashua NH
​Flowers /Potted Plants
Vegetables / Herbs

New this year, we are offering 6 pack fiber pots of the following vegetables that can be special ordered by you May 1 (& we will nurture them in our greenhouses) and have them ready for you to pick up Memorial Day weekend!​ Sullivan Farm Nashua NH, apples Nashua NH, farms Nashua NH
Call 595.4560

bunching onion sleeks
cucumber patio snackers radiccio
zucchini squash delicata squash
winter acorn squash hybrid summer squash
hybrid patty pan squash hybrid watermelon
tango celery spaghetti squash
early green hybrid cabbage yellow eye beans
bush snap peas orange cheddar hybrid cauliflower
tomatoes: green, yellow or hot peppers
yellow pear
mountain fresh (nice eating tomato)
grape tomatoes
red or orange cherry tomatoes
pink thai tomatoes
Big Boy tomatoes